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Family and Consumer Science

Family and Consumer Science Teachers:

Patricia Emmons-Fritz

Allison Smith 

Kelly Schwender

The goal of the Family Consumer Science department is to educate students to think constructively, make sound decisions, solve problems and manage personal and material resources. Students learn about personal relationships, human development, nutrition and wellness, career development, clothing management and consumer resource management. The courses are designed to help students make the transition from early adolescence to adulthood. 

Although technology is rapidly changing our society, the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, positive relationships, and satisfying work remain constant. The goal of the Family and Consumer Science Program is to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will enable students to manage their personal family, and work lives. 

 At the middle school level, the program develops decision-making, problem-solving, and management skills. Content includes money management, career development, nutrition, clothing, and personal environment management. At the high school level, in-depth programs develop career skills related to specific jobs, nutrition, and early childhood education.