Naviance Family Connection
We would like to introduce you and your child to Naviance/Family Connection, a web-based academic, college and career planning tool. As part of our transition plan for all students, we feel it is important to begin the process of “planning for the future.” This website will enable students and parents to explore the resources that are available through the Naviance/Family Connection program.
We are excited to offer this resource as you and your child begin the academic school year, as well as the college and career planning process. If you have any questions about Naviance/Family Connection, please contact your school counselor.
Login Information
Students should login through Classlink. For any questions, please contact
School counselors will meet with students throughout their four-year high school career and use Naviance to:
- Develop as many goals as he or she would like. These goals can be academic, social or personal accomplishments. Goals are a great way for your child to focus on key actions that lead to success.
- Complete multiple career assessments to help him or her learn more about his or her personality type, interest areas, and possible careers after high school.
- Explore a variety of options to pursue after graduation. He or she can use information from career assessments and course plans to help with college research.
Parents can login using a unique access code created by their school counselor. Parents can click on the “I need to register” link on the login page and then enter in the code. Please contact your school counselor to obtain a code.
The “About Me” Tab
In the “About Me” tab there are several sections that you should explore:
My Resume – This is a helpful tool for students who have not yet recorded their extracurricular accomplishments in an organized fashion. At home, enter all of your extracurricular information into the corresponding spaces. Make sure to include all activities from 9th-12th grade.
My Journal – This section should be used to write notes about college visits, admissions officers you have met, and other helpful tidbits that you come across.
My Game Plan – This is a college survey that will help you focus on your interests and college preferences. There are thousands of schools across the country. Filling this out as completely and honestly as possible will help you when you perform college searches and compile a list of colleges that you would like to explore. If you are not sure of an answer you can leave it blank and move to the next question.
My Account – If you would like to change your password, you can do so here.
My Profile – This section contains your basic biographical data and GPA. In the “Colleges” tab you will find two sections: “My Colleges” and “College Research” and a link to “Upcoming college visits”.
The “My Colleges” Tab
The “My Colleges” section is divided into “Colleges I Am Thinking About” and “Colleges I Am Applying To”. Only seniors should use the “Colleges I Am Applying To” section.
Colleges I Am Thinking About – This section will be very helpful as you begin to perform college searches and create a list of schools that you would like to explore. If one of your colleges of interest visits East Islip High School, you will automatically receive an e-mail alerting you to the date and time of their visit. You will be able to click on the name of a school to find detailed information and see the type of application you will need to complete, and whether the school has an Early Decision, Early Action or Priority deadline.
The “College Research” Tab
The “College Research” section has many different tools to help you learn about colleges.
College Search – This is one of the favorite features of the Naviance system. Using this advanced search, you can put in your preferences for colleges/universities. This search engine will help you narrow your scope so that you can begin to do some targeted and individual research. You can search for schools using the following categories: School Type, Location, Student Body, Admission, Athletics, Majors, Costs, and Special Programs. Once you have a list of results for your search, notice the three dropdown columns to the right of the schools’ names. You can organize and differentiate between these schools using these helpful dropdown categories. In addition, you may save your search to make it easy to retrieve the next time you log in to Naviance. This will make it easy for you to do several searches and compare the results. If you are interested in a school, click the “Add to List” link above the Admissions tab. This will put the school onto a list you can use for quick viewing later. In addition, you can use Naviance to compare schools that are on your list.
College Match – This tool will allow you to use historical GPA and test score information about students from East Islip and their college applications to match you with colleges that you may want to consider adding to your list. Many factors can affect admissions decisions. The results of this search do NOT guarantee in any way whether or not you will be accepted to a particular college.
College Compare – This allows you to compare the admissions results and requirements for up to 10 different schools. It is a more detailed look of entrance requirements similar to the feature that you can use after an advanced college search.
Scattergrams – This is a quick way to see how students in East Islip have fared at schools you may be interested in. Notice the key at the bottom left which explains the different notations on the scattergram. This is a great visual aid to compare where you stand with previously admitted East Islip students.
College Resources- Under this link you will find additional links to follow to gather more information about college athletics, test preparation, financial aid, and additional college search sites.
Maps – This feature will allow you to visually see the location of schools featured in the “College Groups” section of the college search. For example, you can see which schools are “Testing Optional” or considered “Disability Friendly”. We hope this guide helps to introduce you to the many applications of Family Connection in Naviance. Remember, there are many factors involved in the college admission process. Naviance is only a tool; you will meet with your counselor individually to help you with each step of the process.